
There are two levels to healing. Healing within the mental level and healing on the emotional level. Healing is not complete without both of these components. 


Healing within the mental level is the first stage of healing and encompasses becoming aware that there is even an issue to be healed. This is where the unconscious becomes conscious. It is recognising and admitting to ourselves that we have experienced trauma at some point in our lives that has contributed to our own patterns of behaviour. This stage involves taking ownership of our reactions as we realise that our behaviours really have nothing to do with what another person has or hasn't done, rather our reactions reveal to us where we still need to heal within. 


When we are willing to look within ourselves and accept that the cause of our pain is not another person, but an emotional wound buried deep within us, we may begin to heal on the mental level. These unconscious negative thought patterns and beliefs are often the result of experiences felt in childhood, before our rational minds were able to process what we were going through. They may also be the result of past life experiences carried forward to be felt and released in this lifetime.  Common negative, unconscious beliefs that we carry are that we are not good enough, unworthy and unlovable.  Once we have admitted to ourselves that we carry within ourselves a negative self belief and thought pattern, we have taken the first step upon our path to healing. This is healing and forgiving on a mental level. 


The second stage of healing occurs on the emotional level and is necessary to release the pain that has been buried deep within our physical cells and souls. This stage is actually the most elusive and often takes us by surprise. For after we have recognised the issue on a mental level and mentally forgiven people and our past, we are often surprised to find that we continue reacting with the same patterns of behaviour to include feeling anger, blame, jealousy and insecurity.


Often our emotions become so overwhelming that we can't see past the blame and pain we feel. During the early stages of healing this pain and anger and blame upon others can take a long time to pass before we can breathe and take a moment to realise that the pain we feel really has nothing to do with the other person. Instead they have provided the trigger to reveal to us the pain that is buried deep within ourselves. This pain is unconscious and does not obey the rules of thought. It doesn't matter how well we accept and understand and forgive on a mental level, for until we allow ourselves to feel the pain, without blaming anyone else, and recognise that the pain is our own, we will not truly be healed. Pain is an emotion, an energy that needs to be felt. Emotions are very different to thoughts. They can not be rationalised. Emotions can only be released by allowing yourself     to feel them. Give your self the time and space necessary to feel the anger, grief, sadness, confusion, fear or whatever emotion arises in the moment. No matter how much it seems justified to blame another person for how we feel, our souls have chosen this experience to reveal the pain we have carried within, so that it may be released and we may finally heal the karmic wounds that have created our unconscious behavioural patterns and continue to cause us to react from fear. Unfortunately these deeply embedded emotions are not released through a single incident of pain and are often felt again and again, as we are triggered again and again, and slowly become more conscious of the heavy emotions we are releasing. The positive here is that as we become more familiar with our own unconscious emotional reactions we will recognise them quicker when they arise, saving us from the agony and conflict that arises when we blame others for the pain we feel. Eventually, after allowing ourselves the time and space to feel and release these heavy, dense emotions from our energy field, we will have healed our deepest wounds. 


This is the most painful part of the journey. There is no quick passage or shortcut through the dark shadows of the unconscious and the only way out is through. The most important here is to realise, as soon as we can, that the pain we feel is not because of another person. Yes, they may have done something we don't like or something that has upset us, but we have attracted this experience to our self. The other person is the messenger, the mirror, reflecting back to us the pain we carry buried within ourselves, that is causing us to react with hate, fear, anger, jealousy and blame. Allow yourself the time and space to feel. Try not to distract yourself by keeping too busy, nor numb yourself with alcohol or other drugs or medications. Distracting or numbing yourself only serves in pushing the pain down where it will resurface again and again, until you are ready to heal it, otherwise it will continue to cause you pain and suffering throughout your life.  This pain will only be released by being felt. 


Our healing enables us to be more compassionate and forgiving of others as we recognise the pain that existed within us, also exists within others, and we are all doing the best we can at wherever we may be upon our soul path to healing. Remember that you are safe and so very loved by the Universe. You are always held in the loving embrace of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love. Forgive yourself for what you did before you knew what you know now. You are a perfect child of the     universe and everything is occurring exactly as it should, so that you may heal and be whole. Until you dare to look within, you will never heal and will continue to project your unhealed pain onto others, dis-empowering yourself as you blame how you feel onto those around you. You can not change anyone else. You can only change yourself. The choice is up to you. 


Blessings and love ❤️