Crystal Healing

Crystals are rocks and stones from the mineral kingdom that grow alongside other minerals below the earth's surface.  The crystals we see today formed over 40 million years ago and took about 10,000 years to form.  Crystals may grow in a geometric crystalline structure, with six sides and grow in clusters, or they may form in a matrix structure,  like Rose Quartz which grows in a chunk.  Crystals may be cut and polished into various shapes and sizes.  Crystals hold the vibrational resonance of the earth and the various minerals contained therein which effect their colour and healing properties.  Of particular importance is the piezoelectric effect of clear quartz.  Scientists found that if you take a thin piece of clear quartz and apply pressure to it you can squeeze an electric current out of it thereby transmitting energy.  Quartz crystals are able to both transmit, receive and store energy, and are the basis of memory silicon chips used in computers, watches and ultrasound machines.


Each crystal is unique and contains it's own healing vibration and resonance with which to work.  Combined with the healing energy of Reiki Sekhem, crystal properties are amplified helping to support the clearing and release of lower vibrational energies from our body, mind, emotions and energetic field.