
Hi my name is Sherrie and I am Awakened Dawn.  I am a certified Reiki Master, Sekhem Master and Transpersonal Crystal Healing practitioner. Channelling the healing energy of Reiki Sekhem is truly my passion. In addition to channelling Reiki Sekhem energy, I incorporate the energy of crystals within all my healing sessions. This level of practise means that I am able to provide you with a healing session that is specifically designed to suit your individual needs, incorporating the use of Reiki, Sekhem, crystal grids, and guided meditation.


Meditation. We have all heard of the word but how many of us have tried it with little or no success. The logical mind has too many 'to do' lists and doesn't seem to want us to forget that. However as difficult as it may seem, meditation is one of the most important practices to maintain our physical, emotional and mental well-being.


Meditation connects us to the life force within all; Chi, Prana, the light of our own soul. Through meditation we are guided to enter our sub-conscious mind and become the witness of our own thoughts and emotions. This enables us to find a moment's stillness and begin to glimpse the patterns of trauma and pain that are triggering the seemingly automatic, unconscious patterns of behaviour we may be experiencing. Becoming aware is the first step of healing enabling us to break free from all the stories we tell ourselves when we are lost within our own mental and emotional patterns of conditioning. 


The energy that I channel during meditation is the same energy channelled through Reiki Sekhem healing. Entering a meditative state during a healing session, I am able to channel Reiki Sekhem energy for each client, assisting them to enter the sub-conscious mind in a meditative state.  Perhaps you are someone who has never meditated, someone who tries but falls asleep or can't seem to stop their own mind chatter, or maybe you have meditated a little but not a lot. 


I have trained in meditative practice for over twenty years, beginning in the years before online guided meditations even existed!  I practised diligently, guiding myself through daily Chakra meditations.  Meditation is my solace, my connection to our Mother Earth, to the universe, to source and all that we are. My heart is filled with gratitude to be able to channel Reiki Sekhem energy as a healing facilitator and share the wisdom of this healing energy with you. 


Remember, a healer is not someone you go to for healing. A healer supports and guides you through your own process, connecting you with the light of Divinity within your own self.


Blessings and love.