Your Energy. Your life.


"You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."                                                                        
Extract from Desiderata by Max Ehrmann.



Everything is energy. All substances, regardless of whether they are living or non-living, are made up of the atoms which science has proven are the basic unit, the basic building block of all matter and physical life. When atoms join together they form molecules, molecules join together to form cells, and cells join together to form the tissues and organs of our body. All atoms consist of positively charged protons and electrically neutral charged neutrons within their center. This very small but densely packed center of the atom is called the nucleus. Surrounding the nucleus are negatively charged electrons. These electrons are in constant motion spinning around the nucleus in response to maintaining the balance of positive and negatively charged polarity within the atom. Therefore it can be noted that all physical matter, including the human body, at its smallest atomic structure is made entirely of energy.



It is said that matter is energy vibrating slow enough to be seen with our human eyes. Yet our human eyes only see a very, very small percentage of the electromagnetic light spectrum.  The visible light spectrum is described as white light that contains the colours of the rainbow ranging from red to violet. Light is measured in wavelengths and the visible light spectrum ranges from 390-700 nanometers in wavelength. However the entire known electromagnetic light spectrum ranges in wavelength from the low frequency and long wavelengths of 1000 meters belonging to radio waves and extend, rising in frequency and wavelength, through microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, and X-ray to finally reach the very high frequency and extremely short wavelength of gamma rays. The entire range of light in the electromagnetic spectrum, apart from the very small component of visible light, is completely invisible to the human eye. Does this mean they do not exist? Of course not!

Investigating further we may discuss the notion of colour. What we see as colour is the reflection of visible light upon an object's surface.  What is seen as a green leaf is actually the surface of the leaf absorbing all the frequencies of light within the visible light spectrum except for the colour green. This colour is reflected from the leafs surface. It could then be proposed that a leaf is actually all the colours of the visible light spectrum (red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo and violet) except green. Yet because the wavelength and frequency of green light is reflected we view the leaf as green. Colour may therefore be described as the frequency and vibration of light reflected from the surface of an object and viewed with the physical eye.

Put simply, everything is not as it seems and just because we can not see something with our physical eyes does not mean that it is not real. To understand healing it is essential to view the human body as the being of energy and light that it is at its very core.




Amongst others, well known author Louise Hay presented the notion that all physical symptoms of dis-ease develop from underlying emotional and mental causes. What this means is that within our deepest energetic layers our emotions and thoughts are affecting our entire body's vibration and frequency. Many of our emotional wounds and negative thought patterns may have developed in childhood, in response to circumstances and situations, as a coping mechanism to protect our vulnerable self by closing down our hearts and putting ourselves down before anyone else could. These emotional wounds and limiting thought patterns may be referred to as the ego. Common universal ego thought patterns include believing oneself is unworthy, not good enough, unloveable, and may result in us feeling jealous, angry, afraid, needing to be right, and seeking to control. Sometimes the wounds and programs may extend back even further into past lives creating unconscious karmic programs that constrict the flow of our body's energy within this life and attracting circumstances and situations that seem to confirm our self constructed limiting thought patterns.


Until we heal, until we are ready to delve into these wounds, our negative thought patterns and limiting self beliefs will control our lives as we react unconsciously from these programs to all that happens around us. Through healing we bring these unconscious wounds into the light of compassion and forgiveness enabling us to experience unconditional love for both ourselves and others so that we may respond to circumstances and situations rather than react. This is not an easy process and not something that happens overnight. In fact the healing process of undoing negative thought patterns and releasing deep emotional wounds occurs over many years throughout a person's lifetime. Wounds thought healed are revisited time and time again, in layers, to obtain a deeper level of healing.  As we move further along our path of light and raising our own vibration and frequency, we come to see that all experiences happen to us and through us to enable our deepest healing and highest unfolding, despite how difficult this may be to understand or accept. Despite the difficulty, the path of healing your darkness is the path of light. It is only by making the unconscious programs conscious, by feeling the deep repressed pain and allowing it flow out of our bodies and our hearts that we may finally be free emotionally, mentally and physically; so that we may finally begin to live the life we have always dreamed.


It is possible and I am here to help you, to empower you, to know that beneath this physical exterior, beneath our seeming separation within this society, built upon comparison and competition, we are all in fact energy from one eternal, Divine source. At our deepest core, within every organ, tissue and cell our entire body is made of atoms that are pure, vibrating energy.  When this physical life is over it is our energy that lives on eternally. Energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only change form. Beyond our seeming separation and individual selves it is our energy that is the universal life force within all things. Our true essence is energy and it is universal, it is whole, it is one.  You already are perfect, whole and complete. It is the limiting self beliefs and programs that keep us from being the vibrant, empowered beings of light and love that we are in truth. Let me help you to remember all that you really are, a being of energy and light having a physical experience.  The same divine energy that is within me is within you and we are here to help one another and walk each other home.


Let go of all the unworthiness, the fear, guilt, sorrow, shame, anger and blame. Let go of all that you have been holding on to. Collapse and crumble releasing all that is not you. Surrender and feel the energy of our Divine Universal Consciousness embrace you with forgiveness and compassion. You are safe, you are lovable and you are loved. Nothing that has happened and nothing you have or have not done can undo the perfection that is your true energetic nature. Life is a journey of unlearning everything we believed ourselves to be and awakening to our true Divine nature as energetic beings of love and light. Allow the universe to heal your entire emotional, mental and physical body, returning your energy to the vibrancy and truth of unconditional love that you already are and always have been.


I am a channel of Divine light,

Unconditional love and

Universal consciousness

Upon earth.


Blessings and love,

Awakened Dawn. 





Knowledge doesn't heal you. Knowledge helps guide you. Healing still needs to take place to become wisdom.